
Zambia is one of 22 African countries with the highest number of under-nourished children under five years old. Thousands of children and women suffer from one or more forms of malnutrition, including low birth weight, wasting, stunting, underweight, and multiple micro-nutrient deficiencies.

Malnourished children have substantially lower chances of survival than children who are well nourished. They are much more likely to suffer from a serious infection and die from common childhood diseases such as diarrhea, pneumonia, measles, and malaria.

The 65 acre HHY farm is key to alleviating poverty in our community and enlarging our children's futures. The farmland is being used to grow soybeans, maize, sunflowers, and other vegetables, as well as supporting a small orchard. We also raise animals like pigs, goats, and chickens. Much of the care of the farm is performed by our farm manager, with support from the HHY family to plant and sow the fields, tend the orchard, and care for the animals.. Much of the farming is done by hand, using hoes and rakes; we were blessed several years ago with a small tractor and plow that has enabled us to plant a much larger portion of the land. In doing this work, the children learn a strong work ethic, and excess crops and meat are sold in market for income.

HHY cultivates sustainable farming practices
that provide both nutrition & ongoing income.

Global Warming Impacts

Maize is the most critical crop grown on the HHY farm; it is harvested and ground into mealie meal using a hammer mill. The mealie meal is boiled with water to make nshima—the staple food in Zambia—and eaten at least twice daily. Growing our own maize helps to reduce the cost of food purchase to feed the HHY family. Sadly, due to drought conditions in the 2023-2024 growing season, our entire crop of maize was lost. The loss of the investment in the crops and food supply is magnified by a significant increase in cost to purchase mealie meal in the market, resulting in a negative impact to our operational budget for 2025.

Ongoing drought conditions are predicted for the coming years, with the growing season to be shortened from November through June to late December through March. To compensate for this challenge, HHY has chosen to lease a part of the farmland for operational income (this will replace the income from selling excess crops), and to plant drought-resistant seed on the remaining land to provide HHY food supply.

Help us grow our crops to help us grow our self-sustainability.

Pigs & Goats

Keeping animals like pigs and goats on the farm provides nourishing protein for the children, as well as sustainable income in the market.

HHY currently has an idle piggery that can house up to 20 pigs; the piggery was closed when the crops being grown to feed them were lost in the drought. Raising pigs for resale has historically provided a strong return on investment, and we are looking forward to restock and continue this sustainability effort.


It is our 2025 goal to begin raising laying hens on the plot in Luanshya, using the eggs as a food source for the HHY family and selling excess to supplement operational income.

Give nourishment and sustainability.