Pastor Victor Chimfwembe
Founder and Director

Victor's life and story of redemption embodies our core belief that each life is purposed by God to thrive and reach another. His personal experiences growing up on the streets give him unique insight into the challenges faced by the orphaned and disadvantaged children in Zambia. His greatest aspiration in life is to be the hands and feet of the Gospel in his community.

Victor has a Bachelor's of Arts, Theology degree from Logos University and, in addition to running HHY, pastors two local congregations.

In 2014, Victor was married to Racheal Kayombo who now serves as Associate Administrator for HHY. Victor and Rachael have three children named Marlys Shekinah, Amoriah Jane, and Wankumbu Asher, who are the lights of their lives.

Read his full, compelling story here.

Marlys Materson

In 2012, while on a short-term mission trip in Ndola, Zambia, Marlys met HHY Founder and Director Victor Chimfwembe and her heart began to stir for the vision that God has given him. After returning to the U.S. and a period of prayer and soul-searching, she felt a clear call to join HHY.

Marlys' 26 years project management and consulting in the health care industry is an invaluable asset to our organization, helping to formalize our operations and provide administrative relief to Victor.

After 18 months of living in Zambia, Marlys’ health deteriorated and she was forced to return to her home in the US. She continues to support the ministry via communications and operations guidance. She visits HHY and the HHY family as frequently as she is able.

Marlys has one daughter and son-in-law, and two sweet grandchildren. 

Racheal Chimfwembe
Associate Administrator

A native Zambian, Racheal enrolled in Teen Missions International’s Bible, Missions and Work program in 2011 where she was trained as a Matron (a caregiver to orphaned children). She graduated in 2013 and came on staff at HHY shortly thereafter.

Victor and Racheal were married in May 2014 and she gave birth to a daughter, Marlys Shekinah, in February 2015. A second daughter, Amoriah Jane, was born in January 2018. A son, Wankumbu Asher, was born in November 2024.

Racheal obtained her degree in nursing in 2024 and is seeking local job opportunities to begin in 2025.

In addition to her administrative duties, Racheal leads prayer in the church and periodically serves as a translator.

Additional staff includes 3 teachers at the Good Hope Christian School at the HHY farm, and Prosper Kunda as farm manager.

Join us in cultivating a thriving community!

PRAY for the Gospel to bring hope and healing.
GIVE generously to alleviate poverty and suffering.
SERVE alongside us to transform and restore our community.